Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Garbage has to go somewhere right? My neighbor has 4 trash can's in her kitchen for seperating biodegradable, recyclable, trash and something else.  I just want one.  I have owned at least 10 different trash cans since I have been married to hubby.  

We've owned a couple of these, but someone (me) has a habit of filling the trash can to where this type of lid won't open.  So I've always gotten rid of them.  Why I've bought more than one is unknown to me.  I've had the ones with the flat tops you push on a button thingy and it flips up. I've had the step on kind but something fails and when you step on it it doesn't go up so whats the purpose of that.

I splurged and bought one of these numbers but it didn't hold enough garbage.  Seriously I have better things to do than take out garbage several times a day.  It got downgraded to the laundry room and serves it purpose just fine for lint.

  For some inexplicable reason trash cans do not last long with us.  Our current trash can is broken.  Imagine that!  It is one of those with a flat top that flips up with the push of a button type thingy.  We'll that button type thingy is broken on one side and most of the times the door won't stay closed.

I searched online for trash cans that looked neat and served its purpose.  I want a pretty tight sealing trash can.  In the winter time with radiant heat the trash can heats up and starts smelling which I hate.  So I stumbled upon this

I absolutely fell in love with it.

I'd even be happy with this one. But I can't find it available in the US.  I mean I've spent hours looking online,  I even toyed with the idea of having it shipped.  But I just can't justify that expense over a trash can.  Maybe I can find a similar substitute.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Memorable Weekend

It has been a memorable weekend to say the least.  It was not what I had in mind.  It was raining and just plain ucky outside to do anything productive.

It started on Friday with Autumn waking up with a sore throat and a low grade fever.  Ok, no bid deal I'll keep you home from school and we'll go to the food store as the kids call it.  She rapidly deteriorates while were shopping and has a full meltdown on the way to check out.  She's crying hysterical saying she's tired and wants to go to bed.  Ok, seriously it's 10:30.  She must really be sick.  We get home I take her temp and it's 103.5.  Now the mommy guilt kicks in for even taking her out.  After dinner I look at her throat and now it is fire engine red with red bumps and puss.  Lovely.  Call doctor he says wait until the office reopens in the morning and bring her in.  Friday night she slept maybe 5 hours because the pain was so bad and motrin wasn't helping.  Saturday we get in and the rapid strep comes back negative.  But she had also developed a rash in her groin area which has spread upwards on the rest of her body.  Doc thinks its strep with a scarletta rash, a.k.a. Scarlet Fever.  She said if she feels better tomorrow on the antibiotics that will be the indication that this is what she has.  After an itchy, crying night she finally started feeling better Sunday.

I kept her home today just for good measure and to get some more rest.  Now I'm just hoping Logan doesn't get it.  It was no fun with Autumn I can only imagine how he would be.  And it's awful being a mom and not being able to do anything to make it go away.  You just have to patient and let the medicine kick in.  I am hoping for a better week and weekend.

On a side note the electrician came by on Saturday and installed my new lights and moved the island.  I'll show pics later.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First tooth and Easter pics

Autumn lost her first tooth.  It wasn't the way that I had hoped and I felt awful afterwards.  You see she had me ready to fly to the moon. She had had an attitude with me since I had picked her up at Grandmom's and refused to do her reading homework and kept sassing me.  So off to her room we go and she was getting ready for bed.  I pulled her shirt off and it got stuck on her tooth.  I felt like the worst mother in the world.  Needless to say the tooth fairy was kind enough to bring her $1.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  We dyed our eggs on Friday and then they also painted them on Saturday at Grandmom's while mommy and daddy were out getting our free stuff. This was the first Easter since having kids that I did not have to put a snow suit on them.  They had fun looking for eggs.  All in all it was a good day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nothing is ever easy

Why is it everytime I make up my mind on something, something always goes wrong?  I won these lights on ebay.

I love these lights I scored one for $39 plus shipping and the other for $29 plus shipping.  One of them had been damaged.  The cord was frayed and the wire had a chunk missing out of it.  Ok, no big deal since the seller had refunded me the money plus shipping so it was free.  How hard could it be to find a replacement cord.  Let me tell you it has been impossible.  I even ended up at a swanky antique dealer that also specializes in antique lights and he could not find this color of cord.  So I settled for white, but the supplier would only sell him 250' worth.  I only needed 20'.  So now I am thinking to just replace the cord without the rayon covering and take it off the other one.  Our ceilings are so high that I won't be utilizing the pulley on it anyways.  I just don't know, I am so depressed over it.

Then to our kitchen countertops.  I thought I was going to go with stainless on our island as I can get it from one of our suppliers at work pretty cheap and the shop forman will weld it, grind it and polish it for me.  But them someone said I will completly hate it and another said it will be too industrial.

I still love the idea of stainless because it will reflect light and with no direct sunlight in the house I thought it would help.  I don't think this picture looks all that industrial.  So then I went back to my drawing board and discovered this at Ikea.

And I love this too but guess what they don't have any in stock at the nearest store nor the ones with a 3+ hour drive.  I wanted to do soapstone on the rest of the countertop than someone made me doubt that decision as well.  I am totally frustrated and in a rut.
I think both would look good in the kitchen with the cabinets painted.

This is the kitchen island.

Here is a picture of the two colors together.
So now I am just stuck and depressed.