Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fireplace Mantle

The fireplace mantle that I picked up at Luckett's back in May is finished and installed.  I have this wall that really could serve no purpose what so ever, so I had painted a magnetic chalkboard for the kids to use and after painting the walls the green just stood out like a sore thumb, so I re-painted it black.  It needed something so I went on the hunt.  I was not expecting to find something like this for just $57.  It was cheaper than hubby building me one, which he said he would do.

Here it is before

I loved the simplistic details

It had a layer of pink, blue, yellow, sea green and varnish.  There was also contact paper on top of the pink on the top of the mantle.

Here is the after

Hub's had to cut a little off the ends, but I still like it.


Now I just need some accessories for the mantle. Overall I am very pleased with how it turned out.  Once I discovered the contact paper didn't want to come off I thought it was going to be a long process, but a little bit of stripper saved the day.

See the dark trim in the hallway in the background of the first picture.  I think that may be my next project.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Busy Weekend

I had this wonderful post for Autumn's 6th birthday but go figure my computer would not cooperate in downloading my pictures.  And what is a post without pictures.  Autumn lost her 3rd tooth on Friday night after a mishap of crashing into the couch and loosening it even more with a lot of blood.  So mom did the honor of wiggling it until it came out.  We properly placed it under her pillow in hopes the tooth fairy would make a visit. Sure enough Saturday morning she informed me that she had indeed visited us during the night.

Family made the long drive to our house to celebrate with us on Saturday.  Autumn is tickled that she said goodbye to......

And hello to .........

I asked her if being 6 felt any different than being 5 and she assured me it does. 

After opening presents (and a fight with her brother)

We had some cake (excuse my sloppy icing job)

On Sunday, her actual birthday, we left hubby to some peace and quiet for Father's Day and went swimming in Grand mom's pool. 

It is so hard to believe that 6 years ago on Father's Day I woke hubby up at 8:30 informing him I thought I was in labor.  Leaving the house at 9:35 for a 45+ minute ride to the hospital, but arriving there in 25 minutes.  To hubby passing out on me and holding her in my arms just 20 minutes after arriving.  It is a day that will be ingrained in my heart and mind forever.   

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Holy Cow!

I can't believe it's been almost two months since my last post.  Where has the time gone?  Every Memorial weekend I have my yard sale.  This year I was determined to get rid of stuff.  I sat back and thought do 4 people really need all this stuff.  We moved from an old house with no closets to a house with lots of closet space but they are all full.  So I spent a good month pricing and going through everything.

Since it was calling for a chance of rain, I had to place most of the items on the front porch. 

I was tickled pink whenever someone bought something.  That was just one less item I had to pack back up.

All my regulars showed up once again.  I priced the items extremely cheap so they would sell, plus people are extremely cheap.  I ended up only having to load the Suburban once to take to Goodwill versus three. So all in all it was a success.

The week prior hubby and I went to Lucketts, VA to their antique flea market.  I wasn't exactly in the right mind frame when we went as I had pulled my back completely out of whack contorting myself to reach for something in the back seat for the kids and I was in a lot of pain.  I had my camera with me but I didn't snap one single picture.  It was crowded and I just didn't have it in me to really look at stuff and get some deals. I did end up buying my antique fireplace that I wanted to frame out the kid's chalkboard wall.

Isn't she beautiful?  If Autumn had it her way it would remain pink.

I fell in love with the simple details.

But I really fell in love with the back.  Hubby turned it upside down when loading it and we saw this.

How cool is that? 

So even though I was in pain this made the 1 1/2 hour trip worth it.