The fireplace mantle that I picked up at Luckett's back in May is finished and installed. I have this wall that really could serve no purpose what so ever, so I had painted a magnetic chalkboard for the kids to use and after painting the walls the green just stood out like a sore thumb, so I re-painted it black. It needed something so I went on the hunt. I was not expecting to find something like this for just $57. It was cheaper than hubby building me one, which he said he would do.
Here it is before
I loved the simplistic details
It had a layer of pink, blue, yellow, sea green and varnish. There was also contact paper on top of the pink on the top of the mantle.
Here is the after
Hub's had to cut a little off the ends, but I still like it.
Now I just need some accessories for the mantle. Overall I am very pleased with how it turned out. Once I discovered the contact paper didn't want to come off I thought it was going to be a long process, but a little bit of stripper saved the day.
See the dark trim in the hallway in the background of the first picture. I think that may be my next project.