Thursday, June 27, 2013

Little Sad

I'm a little sad that this year I am not able to do Friday Fun day's with the kids. It was so much fun the first year when I wouldn't tell them where we were going, they would have to wait and see where we stopped.  They could guess but that was all.  It was a huge success.  Last year I decided to do something different and we registered for Park Quest 2012 through Maryland State Parks.  We explored a lot!  We saw places I had no idea existed and some are on the agenda to go back to this year if I can pull it off.

This year it's just gonna have to be a spontaneous fly by the seat of your pants type of deal.  I kind of regret taking my summer classes because realistically it SUCKS!  There I said, there I admit it.  It sucks when it is beautiful outside and I want to go exploring with my kids.  I know it will get me to my goal but geez. 

I have midterms tomorrow and I think we just might have to take a detour on the way home and see Monster's University.  Because it is much more enjoyable than Statistics.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Granddaughter's Recollection of her Grandfather

On this father's day I wish all the dad's out there A Happy Father's Day!  Growing up I was envious of all my friend's that had dad's that played a role in their lives.  I always wondered why I couldn't be like them, simply to have the family structure.  But of course when one ages and matures, I realized that I was the lucky one.  I had a Dad and Grandfather in one.  

Growing up this man was my everything.

While he may not be my everything today, he is till quite a remarkable guy that has had a profound effect on my life. 

Growing up I looked forward to so many moments with him.  While he was still working every evening when it was warm out Randy and myself would meet him at the end of the road to hitch a ride in with him.  If it was too cold outside then there was a game of hide and seek to be had before we could eat dinner.  After dinner in the summer their were rows around the cove or across the cove to go to the little store to get ice cream.  There were also walks and bedtime stories, one being a memorable surprise of me having chopped my hair.  

Whenever I needed something specific at the store he was the one to take me.  Whether it be bathings suits to prom gowns he was the one.  One time we were sent to get snow boots but somehow we came back with a pair of burnt reddish-brown cowgirl boots that I was so proud of.  

He was my encyclopedia, my dictionary and my history book.  I know I bombarded him with non-stop questions growing up and he was nothing but patient.  I try to remember that when I am getting bombarded.  He taught me more than he could ever imagine.  He made sure I was cultured and had the experiences from eating at upscale restaurants to seeing plays so that I was well rounded.  I've seen more than most kids have even dreamed of seeing.  I'm trying to do the same with my kids but I don't know if they will get to see what I did. 

He has never been a man to sit still, even though he was slowed down in his older years, and has always had a desire to learn something new.  These are traits that I have taken away from all my time with him.  I make sure I am punctual because he always said it's better to be early than late.  Even though one time we were one week early to a camping outing in Williamsburg, VA.  

He is one of two people that get "me" that know what is at my core and how I feel and what makes me tick.  I've always been able to talk freely with him about everything and bounce things of him without him being judgmental and I've always respected and weighed his responses.  

I cherish the moments my kids get to spend with him. 
Whether it be on the boat

at the Zoo
or camping
I hope they carry these memories with them of the time they spent with Great-Granddad.  The kids are looking forward to seeing you this summer to make more memories.

I apologize for the tears I've made you shed for the mistakes I had to make to learn from.  But I want to thank you for being you that best possible Father and Grandfather a Granddaughter could ever have. 

Love you, Shan.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's a Goal

Time always seems to fly by.  Summer has just begun and before you know it, the kids will be back in school.  A reason my blog has not been kept up to date is because of school.  

I just finished up a crazy semester of a business law class, microeconomics, and two accelerated non credit math classes.  It was challenging to say the least but I got it done.  

My crazy semester was all part of my bigger goal of getting my A.A. in Business Administration in December of this year. This was one of my many goal's for this year.  I registered for 2 classes this summer and 2 in the fall.  I don't think I get a break until then.  But I set the goal that if I was gonna do this I was doing it and doing it fast.  

 To be honest, I've actually enjoyed it.  I like to learn new things and to challenge myself.  I could seriously be a life long student.  That is part of the reason it has taken me so long to even get this A.A.  My major has changed umpteen times since I was a senior taking college courses.  I don't even know if Business Administration is a good fit for me but I was so close so I figured I should just get it done.  Whatever I choose to go on to, I think I will still get a minor in it.  This is all part of a bigger picture that I hope will come to fruition but only time will tell along with a lot of hard work.

With so much on my mind and on my plate I wonder if taking summer classes was the right choice, but we shall see.  Can't say that I am in love with my statistics class or my art class but I just have to keep pushing through.  I am very excited for my meteorology class!  I can't wait for that one.  That is why I think in moving forward that the degree I choose should be a science degree.  That is just what gets me and I enjoy all aspects so much.  

One of the things I have learned in starting back to school is that so much makes sense now that I have actually gone out in the real world and lived prior to completing school.  The second thing I have learned is I can not do what I am doing for the rest of my life.  I don't want to just have a job to collect a paycheck.  I want so much more for myself than that.  I want to feel passionate and enjoy going to work.  I loved my job for the first 3 years but once I tackled it and made it more efficient and organized I was bored and still am.  Sure a problem comes along every now and then that mentally challenges me, but I can't accept that for the rest of my life.  Sure there are plenty of people who would love my job and do well in it.  Personally for me, it just isn't for me.  Maybe I should feel thankful I figured it out before I was older, but now I am wondering what am I truly good at and just feeling a bit lost.