How did my husband and I end up in the country? I was raised by my grandparents on the water near Annapolis. I always figured I would continue to live in the area, but life has a way of changing when you least expect it. My husband and I starting dating in 2000 and then in 2002 we decided to get married. We were looking to get out of a suburban D.C. neighborhood and go someplace a little less hectic. During that time is when the housing boom was going on and every house we looked at was either out of our price range or in the midst of a bidding war. So that pushed us farther out. Before we new it we found ourselves buying a 100 year old victorian style house. How I loved that house. After living there for awhile we realized we could not raise our future kids there. We lived on a main road with the only passing zone for 20 miles. I wouldn't have been bad but the house was 20ft from the road.
In the spring of 2005 we broke ground for a simple one story with an unfinished basement. I would not recommend building a house and selling a house all while being several months pregnant with a 9 month old. Needless to say the house never felt the way I wanted it to feel in the inside. I am in the midst of re-doing our great room which consists of the kitchen, living room and dinning area. Stay tuned for picture's.
I have two children. Autumn is 5 and Logan is 4. The are pretty much inseperable, but boy do they have the whole love/hate relationship down to a "T". Autumn absolutely loves going to school which I am so glad about. I despised school even in elementary school. Logan goes to a special school to get speech therapy and comprehension attention. He was born 5 weeks earlier but had contracted a viral infection in utero which caused him to not thrive or develop properly in the womb. After a stay in the NICU he was sent home at 4 wks old not even weighing 4 lbs. It was later determined that he had moderate to severe hearing loss. He wears hearing aids and seems to be getting along fine. He just needs special attention to speech and lip reading.
We have increased our 4 legged population. We now have 3 Cairn Terriers (Oscar, Gover and the new girl Zoe) and one cat (Sully).
So now you know a little about me.
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