Friday, May 9, 2014

I'm Still Here

It's been awhile since I have thought about this lil' old blog.  With the kids schedule,s on top of my school work, on top of working, on top of taking care of the normal things, while throwing some scary exciting things into the mix seem to have allowed this to take the back burner.  My mind is a current whirlwind right now and I wonder if I may have my feet planted firmly on the ground anytime soon.  I should be writing part of my final right now but I felt a need to come to my blog today.  Maybe for a chance to write something I want to write and not something the professor wants me to write.  The irony of it all is that I despise writing.  I cringe, want to crawl in a hole, I'd rather do statistics cringe.  It has always brought out the anxiety in me.  The more work I put into the assignments, the worse my grade has always been.  So taking a break will give my brain a breather. 
The final countdown for the kids is underway with only 21 more school days to go.  They have a busy summer ahead with summer camp at the "Y", Girl Scout camp for Autumn, Cub Scout Camp for Logan, vacation time at Granddad's and another vacation to Williamsburg.  That doesn't include our Friday Fun Day I am determined to still continue.  The kids have compiled a  list of places for us to go and see as well. On the list are places like Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry, Rocky Gap and of course the Aquarium since we are members and maybe the Science Center since we are members there too.

I've enrolled in Summer classes once again.  I am only taking two classes this summer with one being Small Business Finance and the other Business Ethics.  I just enrolled for the fall semester with four classes.  I wonder if I was sane when I thought that was a good idea.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.  I think I have a good mix with marketing, business finance, information technology and communication studies.  After those classes I need 7 more classes to graduate.  I figured four more in the Spring, two in the summer and in the fall the last class which will be my capstone class. I just keep telling myself "I think I can, I think I can".  

Once I'm done with school I keep asking myself "What then?".  Shoot I could see myself going back and tackling some other major. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment but there is so much to learn out there.  Maybe I'll go back and take drafting or such so I know what I am looking at when the guys show me drawings at work.

Time to get back to my other writing.  

Till I feel compelled to write again.
