Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goodbye Kindergarten

Today Logan had his kindergarten graduation.  I knew this day was coming but still it was bittersweet.  While Rob and I made the decision a couple of months ago to put him into the public school system I wondered today if we were making the right decision.   Here is a school that has turned into a second family.  All the students and teachers know each other on a level you can just never achieve in the public school.  The closeness with the students he developed and I wondered should he stay.  I still think it will be better for him to move on but maybe my doubt is part of the unknown in how he will succeed with a larger class size and more distraction.  The Christian school has helped shape him with respect and responsibility and I can only hope that we can keep that moving forward.  

The graduating class of 2012

He received an award for social studies, outstanding improvement in reading, library award - Fruit of the Spirit Joy, Music, math achievement, counting and number recognition and a leadership award.

Here he is getting his diploma.

How does this picture not make you smile?  

We had a picnic lunch afterwards which was nice.  Autumn and Logan played with the other kids for several hours while I chatted with the teachers and other mothers.  Now the summer officially begins for them.  Friday Fun Days, Park Quest, Sailabration, vacation and YMCA here we come!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Outdoor fun

About 1 month ago I stumbled upon something called Park Quest that the State of Maryland has held for the past several years.

 What it is are certain state parks through the state that are participating in quests.  This year there are 23 parks participating and each one has its own quest.  It is only opend to the first 1000 registrants beginning on May 14th.  I figured this is a great way to get out and be active as well as see parks we wouldn't normally go to. This could be our Friday Fun day activity.  Since we get in for free this will definately save on the wallet. When I registered 30 mintues after it opened online I was already 719.  It filled fast to say the least.  Our passport arrived in the mail the other day and the quests officially start this weekend.  In September they will have a gathering at a park for those that have completed at least 10 of the quests.  I'm excited, I don't know about the kids.  All I can say is it is better then sitting at home.  Let's get out and be active!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I can't believe it has been a little over 18 months since I have posted on my blog.  I kept saying I need to post but time just got away from me.  Stay tuned.  I have lots going on.