Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy 8th!

It's hard to believe that my baby boy is now 8!  Eight years!  Where has the time gone?

It seems just like yesterday I got that horrible news my baby had to come today.  It seems just like yesterday that I had that long ride to Hopkins, doubtful that my baby would survive to even deliver him.  

He's defied all odds laid before him.  No doubt in my mind that he's a fighter.

He accomplishes goals, albeit in his terms, but he does it.  It just wouldn't be Logan if he didn't show his stubborn side.

This is a kid that can argue with the best of lawyers and make you smile with his enthusiasm for life.  

This is a kid that can frustrate himself and I together so that we're both crying over the simple things that can be so complex to him.  

This is a kid that can amaze me.  Yet there are days I want to pack my bags and head to the moon.  

But I wouldn't change it for anything!

So on this day I'm wishing him a Happy Birthday!

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Renaissance & Family

On Labor day weekend the family got together at Granddad's to all get together as well as to see the Sayaka's new bundle of joy.  Since me and the kids were making the trip down we decided to go early and head to the Renaissance Fair since I had never been and I though the kids might like it.  

First stop was face painting.  She would only do it if I did it.

Here they are petting the alligator they thought was soooo cute!  

He insisted I take his picture.

We were able to snag a rid before the line got crazy long since this was one of the free attractions.

Before we ate lunch they wanted to go down the slide.  I said yes and said I would wait right where I was.  I had no idea it cost money.  I figured I'll slip on down to the end and get a picture of them coming down.  Nope, kid after kid went and I started to panic especially when I heard a gentlemen say it cost money.  So I ran back up to the top looking for them.  No kids.  So I was thinking to myself, this can't be happening to me.  I race back down to the end of the slide and much to my relief they were coming my way.  All I can say is that is not a good feeling when you think you have lost your kids.  I almost sat down in the middle of everyone and cried.

After recovering from that, we walked around and stumbled upon the music store.  Logan wanted a harmonica and Autumn got the scarf.  Here he is wanting to show it off.

We were done hot and sweaty and headed out but we stopped to watch this lady.

On to G-dad's we go. The main guest showed up not too much after we did.  

Here Aunt Pat is getting her turn at holding the new bundle.

And Jess.

And Robbie.

I even held the little Sophia. I don't think anyone got a picture of that.  I haven't held a baby in years not because I would think I would want another one.  Just don't ask, it's hard to explain.

Here are Granddad's 3 Great-Grandchildren.  
Logan, Sophia and Autumn.

Front and center Granddad looking spry as ever with Noriko.

Here's Tim.

Here's Robbie trying to cool off my mother.

This is Uncle Mike (aka the man with the drums) who is Sophia's Grandfather.

Her expressions were cracking me up.

This kind of looks serious.

Ok, I'm getting bored.

And here, she's sticking her tongue out at her Mom. 

It was great to see everyone.  We don't get together nearly enough all living our lives in various city and  states.  We all must make the effort to get together as a family.  

That would have made Grandmom happy.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Maryland State Fair

Dennis (Rob's Dad) wanted to take the kids to a fair this year so we ended up going to the Maryland State Fair in Timonium.  It had been years since I was there.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  Our first stop was the animals and who doesn't love looking at the baby pigs?  They are so

The kids thought this looked easy and that we would be toting one of those big things around.  It's a lot harder than they thought and luckily we didn't win.

Autumn wanted to go on the swings but Logan did not want to go once he saw how high up they went, so Dennis volunteered to go with her.

Up they went.  Dennis said it was a good view.  I'll take his word.

Logan played it a little safer on the slide instead.

Next up, the pig races.  These guys were so cute.  If only they would stay this small.  They were racing for an oreo cookie.

This little guy stole my heart.  He sat there and danced for a little while before he got the gumption to dive in the water to get his oreo cookie at the other end.

There he goes!  See his oreo sitting on the other end?  He was so happy when he got it.

Of course we had to do the peddle tractors.  

Last stop of the day were these insane people.

This pool was not much wider than what you see here and was not very deep at all considering the heights they were jumping from. 

Then I really though they were crazy when the monkey climbed all the way to the top and jumped in.

All in all it was a fun filled day.  
A Big Thanks to Dennis for taking us!