Monday, July 30, 2012

A Journey for Life

Sometimes you stumble on something that you just can believe.  There are tons of products out there claiming to do this or do that so you take the plunge and find out it didn't do any better of a job then what you already had or was doing.  Take for instance all the weight loss claims on the market.  Seriously, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.  I've tried various methods including the food shipped to your home(I starved on that one), the drinks and so on.  Of course none of them worked for me in the long run.  Now don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to eat myself skinny, I was also working out on a regular basis but it just wasn't helping me reach my goals.   Two years after having Logan the pounds just starting adding up to where I had clothes in the closet but I was too uncomfortable in the them to wear them. 

Labor Day weekend of 2011 I decided to make the first change in my health.  I quit smoking!  Boy was that hard.  I still crave to this day, but I just don't give in.  If I've been nicotine free for that long why go back.  With having quit smoking I gained some more weight.  After being thoroughly frustrated with my efforts I caved in and purchased Turbo Jam by Beachbody.  You've heard of P90x and Insanity haven't you, well they have other workout programs as well.  I was skeptical but what have I got to loose? In late April/May I started my journey.  In June I joined a challenge group through my coach and started on Shakeology.  Since I have started I am down 12 lbs and 10 inches total.  To me that is progress.  I have never achieved results like this.  I keep track of what I eat and eat like I am suppose to. I also follow the exercise program and have a support network of people to inspire and hold me accountable. 

To me this isn't just about loosing weight.  It's about getting my health back.  Being able to do things without being out of breath and having the strength and stamina.  Maintaining a lower blood pressure and cholesterol through clean eating and drinking shakeology. I don't want to be a part of the negative statistics when it comes to the obesity epidemic.  I want to do what I can to ensure a longer healthier life.

 I am just beginning my journey to better health but I am so impressed that I decided to become a coach.  I want to help people reach their goals, I want to hold them accountable because I know that is what helps me, I want to see them succeed.  And you know what? Even the men's water polo team drinks shakeology and work's out with P90x. 

If you are ready to start your journey with me please contact me.  My website is, or email me at

Monday, July 23, 2012


Sometimes you feel like life has led you to the crossroads.

You have options. You could go straight, left, right or return in the direction you came from.

I can see security making us want to turn around and go back. It is what we know, what we are comfortable with. It’s the fear of the unknown that makes us hesitate. You see this is were I am at this point of my life. I’m at the crossroads. I’ve got my foot in the air to make a move but I’m hesitant, I’m scared, I’m terrified of uncertainty. This requires me to step outside of my comfort zone and I don’t know if I can do it. I’ve always lacked confidence in being able to complete anything. I get gunghoo into doing something new then I get scared and turn and run away with my tail between my legs.

The economy has got me scared to death. I wasn’t scared when it tanked the first time. I was blissfully ignorant. But having watched it and people suffer through it, it really scares me now. I’m in construction, my husband is in construction and I am far from feeling confident. This feeling has just snuck up on me the last couple of months. It’s all I can think about. I am loosing sleep over this. I know it’s anxiety but I don’t want to go on medicine for it. What bothers me the most is the unknown. If I had a plan “B” I’d probably feel better than I do now. But what is plan “B”. I am first and foremost a mother. I need to protect my cubs. Make sure they have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies above all else.

I’ve stepped into a plan “B” so to speak but I have yet to get going and get fired up. I doubt myself. I am just so stuck in the mud right now.  Can I do this?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bethany Beach

Well we survived our much needed vacation.  I must say that this is one vacation I was desperate for.  I needed to get away and decompress like never before.  With work slowing down and nothing on the horizon has gotten me a little tense to say the least.  I finally let go on Sunday and just enjoyed our vacation.  

Bethany Beach, DE

I chose Bethany Beach to get the best of both worlds.  We could go to Bethany with the ocean or we could drive on up to Lewes and go in the bay.  So we could have waves one day and calm waters the next.  That is exactly what we did.  The ocean had some waves.  Especially the last day they were rough. 

Catching waves at Bethany



Can we say plumbers crack?

Lewes, DE was awesome for the kids.  You could walk out quite far and didn't have to worry about a wave talking one of them out.  We watched the Cap May Lewes Ferry come and go many times while we were there.  We never did decide to do it.  Maybe another time.

Lewes, DE

The second time we were there the tide was out and there were sandbars for the kids to play on.

He was so proud of his new board.

It wouldn't be complete without a visit to the boardwalk to go to Playland now would it.  We went to Rehoboth boardwalk and not O.C.  It was cheaper and less wild.  We actually went back the last night we were there.  It was suppose to rain and the kid wanted to go so why not.  It was poring outside and there was hardly anyone inside.

The last day there we went back to Bethany and it was brutal that day.

The kids really wanted to try out their new boards that day but the waves had other ideas.  The were able to use them a little bit just not as much as they wanted.

Trying to use all our tickets.

While driving and looking for a place to eat dinner we saw a double rainbow.  You can kind of see the second one above the other one.  That was pretty cool to see.  

All in all we had a great time.  I wouldn't have minded staying longer but we must return to reality and the bump and grind.  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Park Quest Update

Well the summer is just flying by!  A little over a month into our Park Quest we have completed 7.  Most of the parks we have visited I have never been to before.  I don't know about the kids but I myself have learned quite a bit.  

Last week we visited Dan's Mountain near Frostburg, MD.  This is a park that is definitely tucked away and had it not been on the list of parks with quests I don't think I ever would have gone.  We trekked through the woods for our quest all the while I was thinking of "lions and tigers and bears, oh my".  We saw some suspicious tracks but I cared not to dwell on them and just make as much noise as we possibly could plus it was really hot that day.

After we were done our quest we headed into Lavale for lunch and then we headed back to Dan's mountain because they have a pool.  It wasn't as crowded as I thought it was going to be and the water was cool so that's all that mattered on a 95+ degree day.  The pool wasn't your typical chlorine pool.  It was salt water with just a small hint of chlorine which was nice.  You didn't leave with your eyes burning and smelling like it.

It had two water slides but I didn't think Logan was ready to do it yet.  I couldn't have one do it and not the other.

Can I just say they crack me up with their goggles on.

Doesn't she just look uncomfortable?

He's were so loose I'm surprised they stayed on.

Now I have to decided which one we will conquer tomorrow.  It's suppose to be another scorcher tomorrow as well.  To bad all the parks don't have pools.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goodbye Kindergarten

Today Logan had his kindergarten graduation.  I knew this day was coming but still it was bittersweet.  While Rob and I made the decision a couple of months ago to put him into the public school system I wondered today if we were making the right decision.   Here is a school that has turned into a second family.  All the students and teachers know each other on a level you can just never achieve in the public school.  The closeness with the students he developed and I wondered should he stay.  I still think it will be better for him to move on but maybe my doubt is part of the unknown in how he will succeed with a larger class size and more distraction.  The Christian school has helped shape him with respect and responsibility and I can only hope that we can keep that moving forward.  

The graduating class of 2012

He received an award for social studies, outstanding improvement in reading, library award - Fruit of the Spirit Joy, Music, math achievement, counting and number recognition and a leadership award.

Here he is getting his diploma.

How does this picture not make you smile?  

We had a picnic lunch afterwards which was nice.  Autumn and Logan played with the other kids for several hours while I chatted with the teachers and other mothers.  Now the summer officially begins for them.  Friday Fun Days, Park Quest, Sailabration, vacation and YMCA here we come!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Outdoor fun

About 1 month ago I stumbled upon something called Park Quest that the State of Maryland has held for the past several years.

 What it is are certain state parks through the state that are participating in quests.  This year there are 23 parks participating and each one has its own quest.  It is only opend to the first 1000 registrants beginning on May 14th.  I figured this is a great way to get out and be active as well as see parks we wouldn't normally go to. This could be our Friday Fun day activity.  Since we get in for free this will definately save on the wallet. When I registered 30 mintues after it opened online I was already 719.  It filled fast to say the least.  Our passport arrived in the mail the other day and the quests officially start this weekend.  In September they will have a gathering at a park for those that have completed at least 10 of the quests.  I'm excited, I don't know about the kids.  All I can say is it is better then sitting at home.  Let's get out and be active!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I can't believe it has been a little over 18 months since I have posted on my blog.  I kept saying I need to post but time just got away from me.  Stay tuned.  I have lots going on.